Dale Carpenter


威廉·霍利·阿特韦尔法官,宪法主席, 阿奇舒勒杰出教学教授和法学教授

Full-time faculty



Dale Carpenter 威廉·霍利·阿特韦尔法官是宪法学主席吗, 阿特舒勒杰出教学教授, 也是新大戴德曼法学院的法学教授. He previously served as the Charles J. 以及南威尼斯人娱乐城的伊内兹·赖特·默里杰出客座法学教授.  He teaches Constitutional Law I, Constitutional Law II, the First Amendment, and LGBT Rights and the Law.

Prior to joining SMU, 卡彭特教授在明尼苏达大学任教16年, 在那里,他担任杰出的大学教学教授和伯爵R. 拉森民权和公民自由法教授. He won multiple teaching awards. He is also an editor of Constitutional Commentary.

The Texas native received his B.A. degree in history, magna cum laude毕业于耶鲁大学,获得J.D.以优异成绩毕业于芝加哥大学法学院, where he was editor-in-chief of the University of Chicago Law Review. 在担任第五巡回法官伊迪丝·琼斯的法律助理之后, 他在休斯顿和旧金山的律师事务所执业.

作为许多文章的作者和一本获奖的书——公然的行为:的故事 LAWRENCE V. TEXAS (W.W. Norton & Co., 2012), about the landmark U.S. 最高法院判决美国鸡奸法无效的案件——他经常被媒体要求对宪法发表评论, the First Amendment, and LGBT Rights and the Law. 自2005年以来,他一直是知名法律博客的活跃博主, The Volokh Conspiracy, which is hosted by Reason.com.

Area of expertise

  • Constitutional Law
  • First Amendment Law
  • LGBT Rights and the Law


B.A., magna cum laude, Yale College
J.D., University of Chicago Law School


Constitutional Law I
Constitutional Law II
LGBT Rights & the Law


公然行为:劳伦斯诉劳伦斯案的故事. TEXAS (W. W. Norton & Company, 2012)


The Dead End of Animus Doctrine, 74 Alabama Law Review 585 (2023)
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《生于异议:言论自由与同性恋权利, 72 SMU Law Review 375 (2019)
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温莎产品:平等保护男性意向, 2013 Supreme Court Review 183 (2013)
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同性恋婚姻的传统主义案例, 50 South Texas Law Review 93 (2008-2009)
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Straight Acting, 9 Minnesota Journal of Law, Science & Technology 803 (2008)
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机构审查委员会、监管激励和一些适度的改革建议, 101 Northwestern University Law Review 687 (2007)
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Unanimously Wrong, 2006 Cato Supreme Court Review 217 (2006)
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Bad Arguments Against Gay Marriage, 7 Florida Coastal Law Review 181 (2005)
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制度的价值和言论自由的价值, 89 Minnesota Law Review 1407 (2005)
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反对联邦婚姻修正案的四个理由,即使是反对同性婚姻的人也应该接受, 2 University of St. Thomas Law Journal 71 (2004)
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Is Lawrence Libertarian?, 88 Minnesota Law Review 1140 (2004)
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第一修正案中的反家长主义原则, 37 Creighton Law Review 579 (2004)
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The Unknown Past of Lawrence v. Texas, 102 Michigan Law Review 1464 (2004)
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司法至上及其不满, 20 Constitutional Commentary 405 (2003)
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A Conservative Defense of Romer v. Evans, 76 Indiana Law Journal 403 (2001)
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表达协会与战后反歧视法:三方视角, 85 Minnesota Law Review 1515 (2001)
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第七章规定的同性性骚扰, 37 South Texas Law Review 699 (1996)
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Book chapters

(个人和私人团体的)自治, in 《美国宪法牛津手册》(牛津大学出版社2015)

保守派反对同性婚姻的非保守后果, in  WHAT'S THE HARM?同性婚姻合法化真的会伤害个人、家庭或社会吗? (Lynn Wardle, ed., University Press of America 2008)

Four Arguments, in 捍卫同性婚姻161-182(马克·斯特拉瑟主编)., Praeger Publishers 2006)

Lawrence Past, in 美国同性恋权利的未来107-150小时.N. Hirsch, ed., Routledge 2005)

Bad Arguments for Gay Marriage, in 我做/我不做:同性恋婚姻(格雷格·沃顿主编)., Suspect Thoughts Press 2004)

Other publications

Review of  THE DEVIANT'S WAR: THE HOMOSEXUAL VS. 《威尼斯人娱乐城》,埃里克·切尔维尼著,31岁 Journal of the History of Sexuality (September 2022) (Book review)

LGBT平等,宗教自由,杰作蛋糕店, Texas Bar Journal (July 2020)
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《骄傲的后代:同性婚姻的法律后果, 71 Bench and Bar of Minnesota 20 (Jan. 2014)(与Sonja Dunnwald Peterson, Nancy Zalusky Bergan和R. Mark Frey)

大法官斯卡利亚的同性婚姻宪法案, 14 参与:联邦党人协会实践小组杂志 14 (2013)

联邦婚姻修正案:不必要的,反联邦主义的,不民主的, The Cato Institute (June 1, 2006) (policy analysis)

论述:战争时期的总统权力, 观点:明尼苏达大学法学院杂志 35-41(2006年春季)(交流)(与Michael Paulsen和Heidi Kitrosser)

所罗门修正案违宪吗?, 3 美国最高法院案件预览 143 (ABA, Nov. 28, 2005)

Analyzing Lawrence v. Texas, 19 Focus on Law Studies 2 (ABA, 2003)

德克萨斯州的同性恋行为法违反了第十四修正案吗?, 6 美国最高法院案件预览 341 (ABA, 2003)

Keeping Secrets, 86 Minnesota Law Review 1097 (2002)
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The Limits of Gaylaw, 17 Constitutional Commentary 603 (2001) (reviewing William N. Eskridge, 盖劳:挑战同性恋者的种族隔离 (哈佛大学出版社,1999))(评论文章)
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打破现状:根据第七章对实际受害者的实际救济, 58 University of Chicago Law Review 703 (1991) (comment)
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